Seeking to explain thermodynamics based on moving and interacting atoms

Building a thermodynamics syllabus on the atomic theory of matter – proposal

The opportunity exists (click here) to create a thermodynamics syllabus based on moving and interacting atoms. I believe that employing such an “atoms first” approach will enable students to better learn, better understand, and more confidently employ thermodynamics in a proactive and creative way. The challenge in front of us is to develop this syllabus.

Below is my initial proposal for the structure of this syllabus. The structure is hopefully self-explanatory. I share this to get your reaction. Does this work for you? Does it make sense? Is it doable? Naturally, the critical component is the final component: establishing the cause-effect links between the micro and macro. Please let me know your thoughts. I welcome the feedback. Thank you.

(Thanks once again to Carly Sanker for her excellent illustration of my ideas).

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About Me

Hi! I’m Bob Hanlon. After earning my Sc.D. in chemical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and enjoying a long career in both industry and academia, I’ve returned to school, my own self-guided school, seeking to better understand the world of thermodynamics. Please join me on my journey.